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In the 1680’s Port Royal Jamaica was a wild and wooly place. The largest town in the Caribbean, rivaling Boston and New York. It was a center of government and a financial powerhouse fueled by pirate loot. It is said there was a tavern for every ten inhabitants and it had the reputation of being the “Wickedest City in the New World”. For sure, it had two prisons -
And so it was until June 7 1692 at 11:43am when a massive earthquake followed by a tidal wave sank two thirds of the city into the sea. Sailors, soldiers, and marines, pirates, tavern keepers and many common folk found the same watery graves along with massive amounts of pirate loot
Reviresco’s cut and fold paper kit of Bridewell Prison gives you shingle roofs with old cracked plaster finish on the walls. Included with the kit are lamps, barrels, and a two wheel cart adding interest to the structure.
Interior floor layouts in full 1/64th scale are also included so you can show actions inside the prison. The kit is designed to be constructed over .2 inch foam core so you will have a structurally sound building which will withstand pirate raids, attacks by Spaniards and maybe even an earthquake – if someone shakes the table. Exclusive of the ground sheet the completed kit measures 7 x 7 x 6 inches.